Wednesday, September 23, 2009

the wedding motiff..

its BLACK and WHITE... :) (in my dreams) just kidding..

anybody who knew me since time immemorial knows that im a black and white not rockista..nor a follower of an eccentric propaganda group or whatever..i just love the "no color" colors that ranges from white to black..i find black sophisticated..shushal ang dating..i find white can go with the fact that the world is always a battle of good and evil..that i have my bad side and good you care right? hehehe..ok..ryan won't have it..the old folks will not hear any of it..the superstitious boys here in the office says "NOOOOO!!!!"..ok fine..

since i like seeing pipol in pink..fenk it is..and HOT PINK! im not the one who will be wearing it anyway..groom-to-be has to make a say and he wants light para shushal and hard to spell..i decided of TORQUOISE..

hotpink and torquoise

surprisingly..its the same color as my Bible way back in 2007 because now its dark pink and dark green already..

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