Friday, September 11, 2009

the date we will say our "i do's"..

even before the formal engagement..even before the ring and the surprises and can i add the storms? we already have our preferred date of matrimony..well, im the one who is super sold out of the so faithful that im kibir if that will be a work or no work day.. i have it in my heart and head that everything will unfold and our journey will end there.. hehehe
ryan was pessimistic about the "holiday" issue but he agreed that IT is the day.. im not supposed to post about the date since nothing is set yet..but it is our faith that we believe that God's love will prevail and no matter what happens.. He will bless our day.. :)

February 22, 2010
our big day
February is because it is the love month and number 2..november which is our anniversary month is double 1 so 1+1=2...we love the February weather and we are hoping for an outdoor wedding ceremony so we need the cool air.. :)
22 is our monthsary it is just fitting to have it on a 22nd too.. :) 2+2=4..hoping also that there will be 4 of us in the family..God willing.. :)
2010 is because we can't wait for 2011 anymore..wahahaha..can't think of a better explanation..
help us pray! :)

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