Thursday, September 10, 2009

the list of things to do..

a day after getting engaged and after talking to my starting to get tensed..weeeehhh.. i have so many things to do daw and we only have 5 months to now i have to make a we go..
  1. Talk to our preferred caterer or look for another one..
  2. Look for the i-know-this-is-the-place-that-we-wanted venue
  3. Prepare for the filing of documents at City Hall..
  4. Call the coutourier in shushal lingo or the better understood mananahi..
  5. Dresses..gowns..and more dresses..
  6. The guest being maƱana about this..
  7. Cards/Invites..the STDs..the will-you-be-our/my cards..the name cards..
  8. The final invitation..
  9. The entourage..
  10. This blog.. :P
  11. Etc..etc..

i dont want to go on..kafoy! :-)

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