Thursday, September 10, 2009

the day ryan proposed.. :)

ryan's script

my cp alarmed at 6:30 a.m. and on snooze for every 10 since its going to wake me again anyway..i made hirit for a couple of minutes more of sleep.. :)

then i woke up not because of the alarm but because of someone..tadaaaaaa.. its ryan..waking me up asking me to marry him..with the ring and flowers..all i can think is that its too early and im so pangeeeettt!!! what will happen to my pictures?!?!?

i was suprised..i was not expecting it to be that early..i thought maybe around noon or during dinner time..hehehe..he managed to surprise me again!

the ring

the flowers

the ring, flowers and sesell

my lovely ring

im wearing the ring!

and im getting married...

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