Saturday, February 13, 2010

the Story of Kwini..

she is my bestfriend since i was kawerduhan ghost hunting fellow insomiac.. a rock in roll girl..a die hard Leo Di Caprio adik..and she is supposed to be here for my wedding..waaaaaaaaahhhhh..and see the pic for the salarin..

whoever this girl is..i hope our paths will not cross someday..grrrrrrr!
she filed her vacation leave the same day as Sweet requested..
she can have it on the 25 or 26 or 27 or the rest of the year right?!?!?!!?
why does she have to be on same day? liek 22 of this month..
so Sweet & I decided she is like Olga..
you see she hurts Sweet all the time..make her feel she is the Queen and Quennie is her yaya..
the nerve of the girl...grrrrrrrrr...
so if she is like Olga..1st picture + 2nd picture = this...

ill be missing you Sweet! waaaahhhh..
btw..Sweet instead will give us a Sofa.. :(

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