Friday, February 12, 2010

the Jack & Jill Party

it was a blast..
my one and only biological sister did great in preparing..she keeps on saying she is not artistic but take a look at this..
she bought baloons for decors..told us what she wanted it to look like and we made it..
she said she wanted colorful decors because our house is colorless
she borrowed their pink & blue hats at her office
she did this..awesomeness! ang cute cute..its melon, strawberries, pakwan and oranges..
ang pinya pang decor na lang kasi hirap hiwain..
presenting bingbing! i pronounced it bengbeng (sori bisaya)
the main event planner of our jack&jill
Joy is my other MOH who took charge of the main program, the invites and the games
Gary is an Honor Attendant who made us laugh..kidding! He is the one in-charge of the pictures
He brought his newly bought SLR and viola! We have awesome pictures.
They were our hosts for the day.
mama cooked majority of the food..pancit, puto..the asparagus bread is made by Joy
lumpia and nachos with chili dip
sushis courtesy of the matias' and the fruits by bing
we were not able to take a pic of the HamRoll of Nang Mai & Nang's yummyness too..

the happenings will be on the next post. :-)

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