Thursday, February 18, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

the Story of Kwini..

she is my bestfriend since i was kawerduhan ghost hunting fellow insomiac.. a rock in roll girl..a die hard Leo Di Caprio adik..and she is supposed to be here for my wedding..waaaaaaaaahhhhh..and see the pic for the salarin..

whoever this girl is..i hope our paths will not cross someday..grrrrrrr!
she filed her vacation leave the same day as Sweet requested..
she can have it on the 25 or 26 or 27 or the rest of the year right?!?!?!!?
why does she have to be on same day? liek 22 of this month..
so Sweet & I decided she is like Olga..
you see she hurts Sweet all the time..make her feel she is the Queen and Quennie is her yaya..
the nerve of the girl...grrrrrrrrr...
so if she is like Olga..1st picture + 2nd picture = this...

ill be missing you Sweet! waaaahhhh..
btw..Sweet instead will give us a Sofa.. :(

Friday, February 12, 2010

the Jack&Jill Events and Pips

we love it all..we had everyone that we wanted to be there..we hope everyone had a good time..well we can check out the pics..
we had it at White House..our soon to be Home Sweet Home..
see the wall paint..its all white :)
playing Groom Vs. the Mob
Ryan only got 4 out of 10..whaaaaaaaat! he got his consequence..
Leo, Mavir & Nathan..and Joey too!
Bing presenting the price for the mix & & turquoise pringles!
the lucky winners! the fastest..Dennis & Lyly
everybody was able to have a taste..good winners!
Dennis & Bunny is present even if Bunny is still on bed rest..gratias!
Gay who was so good..she got it right! Turquoise! the color of her gown too..
Crissy needs to just turn on her right and she will see the answer..hehehehe
this one was hard..good job still for Leo who tried..
the game was pinoy henyo..but it looks liked it was charade or pictionary..hmmm
excited to munch, chew and swallow! go!
mama, crissy aka moap aka kc, papa
the kids..enzo,nathan & mariel
tita she and manang melds
the Fely's.. Fely Manuel & Fely Juliane
laugh, scream and giggle
serious mode..listening to some messages of love
kaya pala Kuya Laurence pala nagsasalita eh..
goofing around..
overwhelmed by so much love
thanking everyone
time to open the gifts!
even Kim got us some..too bad she was not able to make it
group pic!
minus the early birds who left already
humabol naman si ron & rjhay..
jack & jill went up the hill
and got baskets of gift.. :)

Thank you everyone!

the Jack & Jill Party

it was a blast..
my one and only biological sister did great in preparing..she keeps on saying she is not artistic but take a look at this..
she bought baloons for decors..told us what she wanted it to look like and we made it..
she said she wanted colorful decors because our house is colorless
she borrowed their pink & blue hats at her office
she did this..awesomeness! ang cute cute..its melon, strawberries, pakwan and oranges..
ang pinya pang decor na lang kasi hirap hiwain..
presenting bingbing! i pronounced it bengbeng (sori bisaya)
the main event planner of our jack&jill
Joy is my other MOH who took charge of the main program, the invites and the games
Gary is an Honor Attendant who made us laugh..kidding! He is the one in-charge of the pictures
He brought his newly bought SLR and viola! We have awesome pictures.
They were our hosts for the day.
mama cooked majority of the food..pancit, puto..the asparagus bread is made by Joy
lumpia and nachos with chili dip
sushis courtesy of the matias' and the fruits by bing
we were not able to take a pic of the HamRoll of Nang Mai & Nang's yummyness too..

the happenings will be on the next post. :-)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

the Jack&Jill Invitation

if done separately..the bride will have her bridal shower and the groom will have his groom honoring..since ry's best man lives far far was decided to have a combined we are going to have..
Jack & Jill

i know im not supposed to be the one planning but im i made our invitation during one of my not-in-the-mood-to-do-anyting-but-photoshop moments..hehehe..i like eh..i presented it to Joy and she said im "adiiikk!!!" but she likes it..that saved her and Beng more time..

here's how it looks in jpeg

the envelope print
the main invites
the wishlist page
dapat daw meron eh :P

the real thing
i had it printed in white glossy paper
lowbat ang camera..

i love the jack & jill cartoon pic that i found somewhere in google..whoever made that..thank you!
ill be talking about the party next Maids of Honor are still busy..hehehe