Saturday, January 23, 2010

the Wedding Project 6...

the Escort Cards..

this will serve as an instruction to those who are will see this inside the reception area..instead of having some people find your name in a printed excel list, you just have to find the little chair with your name and your table you all know what group you belong go find your name in your group and then take your seat..if you can't find your name then you're not invited.. wahahaha..kidding..
go find my cousins and sister..

parang soldiers in line..ready to march..

go find your names.. :)

these are also known as seating cards..

i did the design and cutting..ryan did the assembling..

my Maid of Honor who just loves to watch us.. :-)

Manuel-Juliane Nuptial Escort Cards

Please take your seat Ö

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