Saturday, January 9, 2010

the Men & Boy's Attire..

i am pakialamera..and i make pakialam even more if it's concerning me..and much more pakialam if its gonna be my wedding..of course gonna do this just once..there will be no repeats.. :P

the norm is boys will be wearing barong..aydonutlayk..i wanted a vintage look but not too formal..parang nasa kanto lang..kidding! i wanted people to freely move and not be too stiff..i wanted them to have a good time..and wear something that they can still use after the wedding..but above all the reasons i said..i wanted everything to look good in the picture..ahehehehe..

so i searched and searched and decided to have the boys & men wear white long sleeves with tie and a sweater vest and khaki pants...i think i convinced everybody's the look..

ang cuuteeeee nila!!!


see the look..pang porma pa after..

it's the 2 fathers who will be in barong :) it's ok they are vintage anyway..

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