Friday, January 15, 2010

the Wedding Project 4..

the Reception Table Numbers

 my first idea is to have a wine bottle table number..well it would cost me mucho..then i thought of just asking or buy some empty wine bottles..the question is where? then i changed my mind and thought of just having the simplest of all..the usual triangle fold of cardboard..then i thought..really i would just settle for a simple cardstock with print folded into 3? im afraid i would cry if i got to see it on the table and beat i asked my artistic hormones to unite..

and then i came up with this..

 the idea has something to do with our escort cards
(which will be posted soon)
i wanted something that goes with our motiff and theme

doing it myself.. :)
paninindigan etoh!

the metal chairs and flowerettes are from divi..
i glue-gunned the flowers sa chairs

a chair on the table

 the table numbers with the official swirl vector that im using in everything..
the wonders of photoshop CS3..thank you to the inventors of photoshop

 front view

back view
 the back will have the number in words

 pink for the motiff and vectors for the theme

our table numbers..bow.. :)

just for side notes: i want to thank my groom-to-be for patiently bearing with bad with directions so its him who memorized the streets and the little nooks that weve been to..he silently walks behind me when i go walking around looking for things i still dont know what..yes that's annoying i know but sometimes ideas just pops when i see things ill be needing..he watches my back all the time and sits in the corner when i go into business with the me a smile and a pat in the back when im done.. :) i made the right choice..

ill be talking about the costs of the projects that i'll see its just mura..

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