Saturday, March 20, 2010

The SUPPLIER REVIEW I - Photoimagicraft by Gian & Fidgi Cayetano

Rating: 10/10

Ryan & Me, Our parents, Our Relatives, Our Friends, Our Co-Workers..everybody who was there on our wedding.. :)

They delivered and delivered it WELL..they are the supplier that i was not worried at all..we were Hassle Free and the fact that we have beautiful pictures and the first wedding MTV was a hit to everyone..they deserve the perfect 10.

Gian & Fidgi became our friends..if i have to recommend photo and video suppliers again and will always be them..they don't treat you like clients, they treat you as friends..and that's the fact that i love most.  It's so stress free working with brilliant people who can laugh and talk and be crazy with you.  And the fact that they listen to what your preferences are, is a major major relief to any bride-to-be.

I hope they are still around on our 25th wedding anniversary and we can still afford them because i will definitely look for them again and maybe some of our kids birthday party. :) whynotchocnut..

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Gian & Fidgi and the crew and Rhea.

happiness! :)

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