Saturday, March 6, 2010

the Bride's Thoughts

it's been almost 2 weeks after the wedding and i still get dreamy just thinking about the whole event..Daddy God really gave me every prayer that i lifted up to Him..i don't know how others find it but for me it was beautiful and so are the comments i heard from others..:) yipeee!

everybody knows how we labored and coordinated everything..every little detail..every step from the wedding preps to the ceremony to the was pure hard still not even ralaxing the night before my wedding because i was nervous and was still coordinating some minor details..if you know me..relaxing just won't brain will still work..but it pays to be in every step of the way and aiming to make it 100% perfect..

there were some glitches of course..and im so glad we readied ourselves..we aimed for 100 but we got 95 so that's not so bad right? :) misfortunes the car that hutch&ana made us borrowed for the ceremony set up got stopped because of pollution emission problems and makati city hall people got the back plate number that we have to get at their office (thank God..were over it already)..i was slightly disappointed because it started late and we wanted it to be on the dot..and that's because many of our entourage came late..but im still glad they were able to make it..the "before" ceremony was in chaos..the partners of our ninongs and ninangs were not what was planned and assigned..the programs were not properly distributed and i got so many leftovers..that was supposed to be for everybody..the whole folder that has the wedding procession list was nowhere to be seen so ryan was able to march ahead of his parents..hahaha..the promised "tela" that's supposed to be the ceremony set up main decors were not around..the main sign post that i made was nowhere to be was positioned far from our sights and some people were plain disappointments. :)

those things maybe can took away some points..but the good things outweighs the always..:) like i said..we got hutch&ana's car plate number so thank you Daddy God for that..even if it started late..the wedding ceremony was beautiful and we like it so much..the "tela" was not around to cover the setting sun but nobody made comment of how hot it was..they endured the sun..hahaha..Daddy God gave us a cooler weather exactly like what we prayed..the wedding procession still happened and everybody was able to have their "walk" dramatically..hehehe..some people with cameras saw some of the sign posts so they were able to take a picture of happy na rin..i like how the ceremony venue turned out..simple yet romantic..:)

for was more than what we expected..the pictures turned out beautiful..the people that matters to us were there and they dress up and they all look amazing..i have no really pasaway suppliers..the wedding gown that i was not loving few days before turned out make up was vintage like how i wanted it..ryan suit was perfect on him..i got my black fortuner as wedding car..the venue and reception was picture perfect..nobody got bored because they have all the place to take pictures of themselves..and the most amazing thing that happened was that half of what we spent for the entire wedding was returned to us..happiness over over! i cant' still believe it.. :)

i wanted to stress the point that we wanted God to be glorified on that day..and truly the glory is to Daddy God..who was with us in every step of the way..some lessons must be learned and it will depend on how stubborn you for me..i have to let go of my engagement ring..that's the price i have to pay..but i learned and im a better person on my wedding day..we bring back to Him all the Glory! :)

the bride


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