Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the Maid of Honor II..

everybody meet.. Joy Bascuguin.. :)

Joy and I have known each other from the first time she set her foot at church some 8 years ago and the rest is history..if there's one person who had seen me (aside from family) from having the shortest to the longest hair, from my largest to the thinnest.. it's her..we had so many shared unforgettable moments..ryan became her bestfriend along the way and her boyfriend is ryan's bestfriend too.. :) now you know the connection..

Our loyalty to each other is unquestionable..if there's one person who would stick through good and bad for's Joy.. :)

1 comment:

  1. aww.. *sniff sniff

    Thanks, Honored to be part of you & rye's sssspecial day at maid of honor pa! :)
