Thursday, December 31, 2009

the Wedding Projects 1

the Wedding Programs 
if everybody took a rest this holidays, i did the opposite..i have back aches..shaking hands..blisters and little burns..sleeps at midnight..but i dont want to think im tired..i can never get tired..not at this time that i have some more things to do..:) enough of my whining..let's talk about the title..

it took us 2 days to finish everything..with ribbons and all..and i think i can't do it again to anyone..but im thinking maybe i can do the sacrifice to was soooooo tiring..the cutting took us 1 whole day..then there was punchings and more punching..then tying the ribbons..waaaaaahhhh..i felt like vomitting after..but all the hard work paid off..we were quite happy with the results..

border punch, one-hole puncher, rotary personal trimmer, ribbons, scissors and dingdong dantes bench mag as placing mat (you got your revenge karylle, i cut him so many times..hehehe)

i went into full blast cutting like their is no tomorrow..

i have my garbage collector..hehehe..lola the great

border punching the back board cover

after the whole day cutting..the pages are ready

then its time to sort and put them together


lining them up so i can take a good look..


kafoy but rewarding..

ready to go!

warning: don't attempt to do this if you don't have the patience and passion..hehehe

the other Flower Girl..

meet Amara Carleona Asuncion

she is such a happy soul..she chatters non-stop..she is one of our students at Children's Ministry..she used to wander to our class when her older brother Tim was still our student and its hard to bring her back to her own class because she will charm you so you will not send her back..she likes dancing and singing and sometimes when she is being so makulit that you want to get angry with her..she will bat her eyelashes and stare at you with those puppy look eyes and you forgot everything..she is cute..:) check her out..

she likes Teacher Ryan than me..

Ry is the playmate and im the old teacher :) whew kids!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

the Merry Christmas 2009

Its white Christmas for us this year and what makes it extra special is that we have 2 soon to be additional members in the family..

This is also the last Christmas that we will be single.. :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

the countdown again..

2 more months to go!!!

i can't believe how time flies really fast..we have two more months to pays to be early..:) you can take your sweet time..but still everything will have to be on schedule..

there are many advantages in long can afford to have many choices for suppliers and still have time to compare and can scout for cheaper supplies..there will be no hurry-up issues so you can haggle for can do many do-it-yourself stuffs that will lesser your cost to some minor details and you can put your personal touch in everything..and that will make it more memorable to you and the visitors :)

im no wedding not expecting our wedding to be perfect but im aiming to make it perfect so if its only 98% on actual day..i will be super thankful still.. :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

the Pre Nuptial Pictures

for more below

the Save The Date Video..

im speechless when i first saw this..i want to cry..wahahaha..
do i need to say more? its beautiful..its cool..its great
hands up..hat's off..a million claps to gian & fidgi cayetano..
you are both brilliant..
thank you!

(or visit to get a clear video)

Monday, December 14, 2009

the PreNup Pictorial

who says 13 is an unlucky number? for us it's not..
we had our pre-nuptial pictorial last december 13 in a perfect sunny day and everything went on smoothly..well just some ants in our picnic baon but that's after we've already eaten..nothing major really..

we were up before 6 am..i took a bath and cooked our baon then went to Hanz parlor to have my make up done by my time table my make-up will just be for 30 mins..but i was wrong..Hanz took the time to straighten my hair! you know me well miss curly that took us 1 and half done by 9:00..ryan is in the house waiting for me, had already watched an entire cd of the beegees concert..courtesy of mama of were off past 9 and took a cab to la mesa eco park..and thank you Daddy traffic at all..our taxi was too fast too furius too..its ryan's turn to be nervous where im miss relax, i just want to be in ecopark in like 20 mins. and i don't care if we are going too fast see.. the sun is needed if you want pretty pictures..

so there we were..we waited for a couple of minutes for gian and fidgi and the kiddos..and soon after we changed into our first set of clothes..the camera's started clicking..we were conscious at's our first time you know..hehehe..i thought posing will just be chicken to us but nahh..its a serious thing..hirap pala maging model..we had our the picnic basket..the picnic mat.."sesell" my teddy bear..the coke sakto..and our hats and the pink not ready no? hehehe..

have you ever had a you want some things to happen like exactly how you envision it to be.. most of the time we know its not gonna happen that way..close lang to it..but i can say our prenup is more than what i envision it..parang what i had in mind is just good and what had happened is excellent..something like that..its more than what we were expecting..the weather..the sun..the place..especially the two super talented people plus 2 equally talented and patient boys with them..they are just plain perfect..i love how they they treat us..mabait and so professional.. :) you will just love to follow everything they say and everything they want you to do..they didn't even get tired..we were..

i would love to talk about them a fan na! certified fan! please check this out for a moment our Video Save the Date.. :)

the video is in their blog too..